Welcome back to the series on how to make a visual novel with Unity3D and ink. We have already learned the basics of ink and how to use ink API in order to access our story within Unity. We managed to set up a basic structure of our visual novel where we can click through the story and select choices. Today, we’re going to make things more exciting by adding in characters and emotions. If you ever…
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Now that we know the basics of ink, let’s start to actually work on our game. In this article, I will explain how to integrate ink with our Unity project and how to use the ink API in order to interact with our story. Before we start, make sure you have an ink file with some dialogues and choices ready. You might want to download and use an example story I prepared. It’s actually a simplified…
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If you like narrative games you might have heard of Inkle Studios. They released Sorcery, 80 days and, most recently, Pendragon. You haven’t? I recommend you check them out. What’s interesting is that their games are developed with ink, a scripting language those guys made to help them develop text games more easily. The best part is, it’s open source and free to use! Ink allows you to write…
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